Knowledge Base Articles Archive | LeaderStat

Interview With An Interim Consultant - Frank T.

Written by LS Admin | Nov 13, 2018

Every day, our team has the opportunity to work with amazing professionals across the country. We recently had the opportunity to interview Frank T., an interim Nursing Home Administrator, to ask him what he thinks about interim work.

  • How long have you been an Interim Consultant with LeaderStat? My first assignment started on October 3, 2018.
  • What did you do before you started Interim work? I have been a long term care executive and administrator for over 25 years, including over 10 years as a multiple community COO, and I was a nursing assistant during college.  I am also a current member of the KS House of Representatives, having won a special election and then appointed by Governor Jeff Colyer.
  • Why did you decide to try an interim role? Why did you choose LeaderStat? I decided that I wanted to travel and do short-term work, usually emergency or troubleshooting gigs, once my children were older and had more independence.  Leaderstat team members and I had been talking off and on for some time, but nothing seemed "just right" for me.  They were always professional and fun, and they were my first call when I knew that it was time for me to see more of the great USA.
  • So far, what do you really enjoy about being an Interim Consultant? The opportunity to go into an assignment with immediate issues that need quick resolution, which has always been a lot of fun to me and a personal specialty.
  • Is there a state where you would love to work? I can't pick just one...I'm thinking bicoastal: Washington and Florida.
  • Is the process easy (in regards to travel arrangements, requests, etc.)? It's fantastic. Ian and Miranda set up and take care of absolutely everything.  I just show up to a community, roll up my sleeves, and get to it!!
  • Do you have a favorite memory/moment as a Consultant? I was only on the job for two weeks when my staff threw me a Boss's Day party, as we watched our census grow from 33/50 to 45/50 (fist time to that level in over a year) during that time period.
  • What advice would you give to a new Interim Consultant? Go into an assignment with an open mind.  I'm a city boy and was asked if I would go to a TINY town surrounded by prairie - Dodge City, Kansas.  I wanted to get my foot in the door of Leaderstat, so I agreed. I LOVE THIS PLACE AND MY TEAM and haven't been this happy at work in at least fifteen years.
  • Any additional thoughts? I have been talking with the Leaderstat team off and on for a couple of years before finally taking the leap, and now I hope to be one of their go to / go anywhere guys for years to come.

Frank, we can’t thank you enough for being such a wonderful LeaderStat Consultant. Thank you for all that you do!