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Travel Nursing and Home Schooling: Making the Two Work

Written by LS Admin | Aug 29, 2022

Taking on a travel nursing assignment with your children in two might seem daunting at first. How can you hit the road with your family while working full-time hours, all while ensuring the kids get a quality education? The good news is – it’s possible! Hundreds of travel nurses opt to bring their family along for their adventures, and have successfully mastered the balance of working and effectively managing their children’s education via homeschooling. While it may be an adjustment at first, many families have come to love this non-traditional lifestyle.

Before you commit to meshing travel nursing and family life—certainly before tossing the bags, the kids, the cooler, and the dog in the minivan—consider the legalities. Homeschooling laws vary from state to state, so researching your state's regulations is a must. Begin with an overview of state requirements at FindLaw and the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.

Then, consider some of the perks of accepting the challenge to incorporate homeschooling with a career in travel nursing.

Firsthand exposure to new places

Many veteran travel nurse/homeschool parents declare the best aspect of this partnership is the opportunity for children to experience historical landmarks, museums, geographical wonders and a variety of weather with their own eyes and ears.

Imagine the impact of combining an engaging curriculum with an in-person visit to our nation's capital or Ellis Island. Talk about an impactful learning opportunity! Check out the 15 Best Historical U.S. Sites for Children for examples of the hundreds of experiences that can enhance a family's homeschool agenda. Download these travel apps to make your on-the-road experience even more enjoyable and educational.

An emphasis on teaching methods that fit learning styles

The individualized attention afforded by homeschooling, plus the parent-teacher liberty to decide the how and when creates the freedom and flexibility that allows many children to excel. A fixed daily schedule structure, similar to a standard classroom experience, is ideal for some kids and their parents. Other students do better in a more relaxed, learning-on-the-go atmosphere. Likely, a unique combination of these approaches—that would be difficult to manage in a traditional school environment—will be the A+, spot-on approach that best meets the needs of all involved.

Being surrounded by life lessons

New people, places, and experiences provide ongoing real-life tutorials on connecting with different cultures, exploring this earth's history and bounty, and building the confidence to try new things. Of course, learning can (and should) take place anywhere and everywhere. But when school happens as part of a family adventure via a parent's travel nursing career, the opportunities for open doors to a multitude of different experiences can genuinely broaden a child's horizons.

Travel nursing and homeschooling can indeed be a win-win adventure. Happy learnin'!