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Setting Goals for 2021

Written by LS Admin | Dec 31, 2020

Raise your hand if you are ready to put 2020 behind you and leap into 2021.

As we reflect on the past year with its sudden and unexpected trials, its unprecedented challenges, we find ourselves anxious for a fresh start. Ready to dive head-long into the new year with determination. For some, that will mean making a few good ol’ New Year’s resolutions. For others, goal setting will take center stage while a core group will merely point themselves in a general direction.

Regardless of the label (or lack thereof) affixed to our 2021 ponderings, each of us hopes to hit the mark, in our personal and professional lives. Because the happenings of 2020 likely placed considerable roadblocks in the path of many of last year’s goals, we approach 2021 with an understandable yet complex mixture of determination and trepidation.

Whatever the assigned label—resolution, goal, intention—and whatever aspect of life involved—personal, family professional—the S.M.A.R.T. approach will increase your chances of success.

S = Specific
Eat healthier, work harder, spend more time with the family. While each is a worthwhile endeavor, none qualify as specific. And the lack of a more detailed approach will undoubtedly result in a less-than-satisfactory outcome.

So, zero in on the specifics, such as replacing two sodas a day with water or setting aside one Saturday a month for an all-day family outing.

M = Measurable
Again, specific details will help each goal be measurable, which will assist in gauging progress and the inspiration department. Noting one’s progress along the way will ramp up effort and determination.

A = Attainable
If 2020 felt like a total bust, it may be difficult to reign in the resolution-making for 2021. But trying to cram two years of progress into one year will either exhaust you thoroughly or end in a disappointing failure –or both. While intentions that pose a moderate challenge are A-okay, an over-the-top list of aspirations will not end well.

R = Realistic
Too often, what may appear as doable, in reality, can only be accomplished in a perfectly aligned world. And if we learned anything from 2020, it is that our world can drastically change in an instant. So, strive to strike a balance between a no-effort-needed-to-accomplish goal and one that can only be attained if every minute of the year lines up perfectly.

T = Trackable
When goals are measurable, they can be tracked on a weekly or monthly basis. Part of taking the journey seriously involves tracking progress, whether it’s of the moving forward kind or the backward sliding type. Expect a bit of give and take along the way but resist the nudging to stop tracking, whether because of outstanding progress or a dismal showing. Examining results gives the resolution/goal/path validity.

Now, it is time to put your S.M.A.R.T. goals to paper or computer. Group them in categories by personal and professional, noting as much of the “how” as possible for each line item. For example, the goal to improve your technical skills should include specific mentorships, classes, or training along with deadlines for choosing and initiating. An aspiration to exercise three days a week should include an outline of when, where, and what type of exercise for the first month.

Let’s commit to making our best effort in 2021.